let’s make your day special.

Custom florals to showcase your unique style on your day.

The process.

  • The consult.

    If you would like to explore the possibility of incorporating Mountain Ash into your wedding, elopement, or event, please begin by reaching out to me via email to start the conversation. We'll arrange a convenient time for a phone consultation, during which we'll dive into your requirements, desires, budget, and overarching vision. I'll provide guidance, share ideas, and suggest ways to enhance the uniqueness of your special day. Following our conversation, I'll outline a tentative timeline for delivering the initial floral proposal.

  • The plan.

    Upon receiving the initial proposal, I encourage you to take your time to review it thoroughly, jot down any thoughts or adjustments, and then reach out to me with your feedback. The initial proposal is designed to present a comprehensive vision, allowing us to refine and tailor it to your exact preferences as needed.

    During this time, we can schedule another phone call or arrange a face-to-face meeting if necessary. However, simply sending over your notes for revision is perfectly fine. My goal is to collaborate closely with you to ensure the proposal reflects your vision accurately.

    Upon approval of the proposal, I will incorporate payment deadlines into the finalized version. Payment details included in the Pricing information below.

    Moving forward, I will establish deadlines on my end to order, prepare, and ensure communication with you and/or your event planner as your date approaches. My aim is to alleviate any stress from the planning process, striving to make everything as smooth and seamless as possible in the lead-up to and on your special day!

  • The special day!

    On the day of your event, elopement, or wedding, all the meticulous planning and communication should make for a seamless experience. We'll have already coordinated the timing for the delivery of your personal florals and established when to arrive at the venue to begin any on-site installations. Clear deadlines will have been set for completing tasks and addressing any last-minute requests before the ceremony or event begins.

    Once the day concludes, we will have a scheduled time to return to the event space to dismantle everything. If you've rented vases from Mountain Ash, I'll gather them up for return. Alternatively, if the vases are provided by the bride/groom or the event space, I'll assist in emptying them and leave them in place. You're welcome to keep any arrangements you'd like, as long as the vases are returned to Mountain Ash. Some brides cherish the idea of preserving and drying their flowers for sentimental reasons, while event spaces may wish to repurpose items for future events.

    Following this, I hope our connection will extend beyond the event or special day, and we can continue to stay in touch as friends, sharing memories and photos for years to come!

The pricing.

Each wedding or event I create is tailored specifically to reflect your individual style and preferences.  

While my base pricing starts at $1,000, the final cost will depend on factors such as your choice of flowers, preferred arrangements, their quantity and size, delivery and set up to remote locations, and most importantly, the labor involved to execute. 

Payment Details: The first payment secures your spot in the schedule, while the second payment enables me to begin ordering materials. The final payment is due 30 days prior to your special day. You can expect to receive payment requests via QuickBooks for your convenience.

Check out the inside scoop on how your dream florals are brought to life below!

In detail.

Ready to bring your
dream florals to life
for your special day?